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Unlock the Magic of Education with

 Equinox Learning Hub

Unlock a world of educational wonders with Equinox Learning Hub! Your $39.99 (plus taxes) monthly subscription grants you access to our holistic project-based curriculum, eco-STEM activities, weekly check-ins, and a supportive online community. Engage in enriching educational experiences in a safe and supervised environment. Join us on the journey to inspired learning and growth!

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Discover Our Seasonal Project-Based Curriculum

Wondering what Equinox Learning Hub's project-based curriculum entails? Take a look at a sample preview of our K-1 curriculum inspired by the current season!

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A black and white drawing of a heart on a white background.

Kindergarten through 1st Grade Curriculum

At Equinox Learning Hub, our Kindergarten through 1st Grade curriculum is designed to prioritize mastery learning through personalized project-based learning experiences. We believe in nurturing each child's unique strengths and learning pace, allowing them to fully understand and master concepts before moving forward.

A black and white drawing of an owl 's eyes on a white background.

Grades 1-2 Curriculum

Step into a world of discovery and mastery learning with Equinox Learning Hub's Grades 1-2 curriculum. Our project-based approach focuses on empowering students to fully grasp concepts through hands-on exploration and personalized learning experiences. Families are encouraged to make modifications and accommodations as needed to ensure that each child achieves mastery at their own pace. At Equinox, we believe in fostering a love for learning, critical thinking skills, and academic success in every student.

A black and white drawing of a deer with antlers standing on a white background.

Grade 3-4 Curriculum

Step into a realm of academic excellence in third/4th grades at Equinox Learning Hub. Our curriculum focuses on mastery learning through immersive project-based experiences that ignite curiosity and nurture critical thinking skills. Families have the flexibility to tailor the curriculum to their child's needs, ensuring that mastery is achieved in every subject.

A black and white drawing of a polar bear on a white background.

Grades 5-6 Curriculum

Explore an engaging and dynamic curriculum designed for fifth/sixth grade learners at Equinox Learning Hub. Our project-based approach challenges students to delve deep into subjects, apply critical thinking skills, and cultivate a passion for learning. With a focus on mastery learning and personalized support, students progress at their own pace while mastering academic concepts. Dive into hands-on activities, STEM projects, and literary explorations that ignite curiosity and inspire innovation.


Welcome to Equinox Learning Hub's Middle Grades Curriculum, a transformative educational journey that combines Eco-STEM education with a focus on career skills through project-based learning.

In our dynamic curriculum, students in middle grades explore the intersection of environmental science, technology, engineering, and mathematics through hands-on projects that inspire a love for nature and innovation. With a holistic approach, students engage in real-world problems, applying critical thinking and creativity to develop sustainable solutions.

Our project-based learning model not only fosters mastery of academic concepts but also cultivates essential career skills such as collaboration, communication, and problem-solving. Students are encouraged to work in teams, communicate their ideas effectively, and think innovatively as they tackle complex challenges in Eco-STEM fields.

At Equinox Learning Hub, we are committed to preparing students for the future by nurturing their passion for environmental stewardship, STEM disciplines, and career readiness. Through our Middle Grades Curriculum, students develop the skills, knowledge, and mindset needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving world while making a positive impact on the environment and society.

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